Cuffs Light Blue Stripes

9,00 €
Taxes included

To finish off our anti-stain offer, we have designed these plasticized cuffs, which close with elastic so that the sleeves don't get into the plate, ta-ta-ta-ta-chan! From now on, if you complain about stains, it's because you want to....

But... Who of us has never squeezed play dough with our elbow to get it flat and it stuck to our clothes? Let the children have fun and enjoy playing without worrying about stains for the grown-ups!

They are easy to clean with a wipe or with water so they are perfect if we eat out and if we want they can be put in the washing machine.

Match it with its matching bib to avoid all stains!


- 16×13 cm


- 100% Acrylic

Visit our official Instagram account @naitnait and learn about the features of the grips.

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To finish off our anti-stain offer, we have designed these plasticized cuffs, which close with elastic so that the sleeves don't get into the plate, ta-ta-ta-ta-chan! From now on, if you complain about stains, it's because you want to....

But... Who of us has never squeezed play dough with our elbow to get it flat and it stuck to our clothes? Let the children have fun and enjoy playing without worrying about stains for the grown-ups!

They are easy to clean with a wipe or with water so they are perfect if we eat out and if we want they can be put in the washing machine.

Match it with its matching bib to avoid all stains!


- 16×13 cm


- 100% Acrylic

Visit our official Instagram account @naitnait and learn about the features of the grips.


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